After traveling and indulging most of the summer, I realized I gained about 8 lbs. This might not be much, except I’m 5 foot 2 and there’s no place to hide the extra lbs. While traveling, I got up at 6 am to hit the treadmill and weights, except I ate more calories than I burned and the pounds were sneaking on the scale each week.
1 cup steel-cut oats with 1 tsp almond butter
1 scoop protein powder in cold brew coffee
Kale/romaine salad with quinoa, persimmon, chicken, veggies
1.5 tbsp dressing
(or Mexican food at Caffe Macs)
2 Trader Joe’s Tomato Basil Veggie Burger Patties
(If I had Mexican food for lunch, just veggies/shrimp for dinner)
I haven’t been diligent about logging food into My Fitness Pal, when I’m under the calorie goal for the day I expect to wake up skinny. Which is my problem, I eat oatmeal for breakfast and think am I skinny yet? After choosing to eat salad instead of a pizza, I ask myself the same question. After checking the steps on my Fitbit, I think the same thought. After a couple of days of eating clean and working out, I want my butt to look like J Lo’s with dancers legs because they sure hurt like a mo’fo. Even though I know this isn’t realistic, I can’t help myself.
I realized, the times I lost weight and kept it off, was when I was focused on other things. Getting to the gym or eating was a check box in my day. When I lived in Seattle, I walked/jog next to Alki beach or walked the hill on Admiral Way in the mid to late afternoon to clear my mind and recharge before working on founders “homework”.
As I restart my weightloss journey, I realized, I need to put fitness and meal planning on autopilot so I don’t derail my efforts by obsessing over weight every time I pass a mirror.
Date: November 5, 2015
What are your thoughts?