In 2008, my dad had heart surgery and this scared the crap out of me. Not only was I afraid I was going to lose my dad, this served as a wake-up call for my health; diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol run in my family. I realized I needed to change the way I took care of myself. Eating junk or fast food was adding pounds to my waistline along with work and commuting which cut my fitness activities to barely anything.
After my dad got out of the hospital, he started an exercise program utilizing weights and a recumbent exercise bike. He created a food/exercise diary in Excel (he was an accountant before he retired and his food diary spreadsheets are impressively organized). Through diet and exercise, my dad recovered quickly and celebrated his 86th birthday. For the last 8 years, he exercised 6 days a week while maintaining a food diary, if he can do it, so can I! He’s my inspiration and the example I aspire to.
I started at 174lbs and it was a private struggle until I started sharing my food and progress pics. I lost 10 lbs and found myself. In the last month, I’ve gained back the some of the weight, the difference is now I have knowledge and support on my side. Follow my journey as I find how to balance health with the demands of life.
I started exploring paleo cooking to lose weight and get super fit, clearly working on both is a lifetime project. I still love junk food, except I’ve come to accept that my body doesn’t and it rebels by adding lbs to the scale…dislike! Through diet and exercise changes I’ve lost over 10 lbs and I get to eat bacon (win!), have butter, while learning to make little changes to adapt a clean eating lifestyle.
I created this blog because I love to EAT! Friends and family have asked for healthy versions of favorite recipes, so I thought the best thing to do is to share it with everyone. I could talk about health, fitness, and nutrition all day/every day and this is my outlet to do that. You can also find quick and easy, non-paleo recipes (pasta, bread or rice) because I’m still transitioning the way my family is eating.
You can follow my journey here and on Instagram, where I will be writing a post every single day (OK maybe a couple of times a week at first) about my weight-loss journey. It will feature recipes, meal plans, workouts, shortcuts to cooking and whatever else comes to mind.
Instagram: Bombchel
My Fitness Pal: Bombchel