I was vacationing in Arizona, where the weather hit an average of 100 degrees. The Arizonians say it’s “dry heat” and it feels like you’re in an outside sauna with all your clothes on. I understand saunas help you get rid of toxins, except I’m not a fan of being hot and sweaty. Maybe that’s why I got hives or it could be an allergic reaction to the new foundation or to jalepeño Cheetos. My daughter, Nanabear said it could be red dye number something, either way, my skin is enjoying being makeup free and slathered in Benedryl and aloe vera gel, super sexy, right?
My vacation goal is to hangout with my family, catch up on shows, read, exercise 30 mins/day and get back to blogging about my weight loss journey.
I put on a couple of pounds from happily indulging on my mom and dad’s yummy home cooking. Which leads me to my biggest challenge, which is the conflict between the food I love and working for the body I want.
My workout this week was the Bikini Body Mommy Challenge 4.0: Days 80 – 84, which alternates strength training and cardio days. Followed by Skimble’s Workout Trainer to complete the 30 minutes of exercise for the day. You can view my workout tracker online.
June 23: 171.5 lbs
June 25: 168.5 lbs
Here’s the Bikini Body Mommy Challenge 4.0 strength training video, you can find the workout cards and the videos on her website and on YouTube for free.
June 22: Amazing Abs Attack – 9 mins
June 24: Core Shaper – 10 mins
There are 8 rounds of super sets for strength training days and 10 intervals for cardio days.
Strength Training
One Arm Row – Right( 45 sec)
Fake Jump Ropes (15 sec)
REST (20 sec)
One Arm Row – Left (45 sec)
Fake Jump Rope (15 sec)
REST (20 sec)
Squat Swing – Right Arm (45 sec) Power Skip “Big Arms” (15 sec)
REST (20 sec)
Squat Swing – Left Arm (45 sec)
Power Skip “Big Arms” (15 sec)
REST (20 sec)
Bicep Curl (45 sec)
Irish Jig (15 sec)
REST (20 sec)
Step Up – Right (45 sec)
Jog In Place (15 sec)
REST (20 sec)
Step Up – Left (45 sec)
Jog In Place (15 sec)
REST (20 sec)
Extended Plank Hold (45 sec)
Mountain Climbers (15 sec)
REST (20 sec)
Cardio Training
Alternate between work and rest.
WORK (60 secs)
REST (20 secs)
Jog in place
Pogo Hop Touch (left)
Pogo Hop Touch (right)
Mountain Climbers
Front Jacks
Side Squat Shuffle
Fake Jump Rop
Irish Jig
Twist Plank
30 mins – Recumbent Bike
My numbers from these workouts are in the screenshots below, you can view it in full detail in my workout tracker.
What are your thoughts?