At the start of each yoga practice, we set an intention. One night, the intention was gratitude. You could think of a person, experience(s), being strong enough to show up and practice or whatever makes you happy. Sometimes it’s difficult to be grateful because you’re so caught up in the struggle. Sometimes, you’re struggling in your career, your personal life, your finances, forcing yourself to get physically active while juggling family obligations. It never feels like there’s enough time to appreciate anything.
The time to be grateful isn’t only when everything is going great, it’s even more important to be grateful when everything in your life is going awry. It’s the way to get you back on a positive path. I’ve made a lot of hard decisions during the last couple years and moved a half dozen times trying to find my path. It wasn’t until I got back to meditating and practicing yoga that the pieces of my life fell into place.
To get in the right mindset, ask yourself, what brings you peace and happiness?
It doesn’t need to be a fancy car or house, although, it can be, if it brings you joy. It can be as simple as having 5 minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee, the smell of rain or being on time despite traffic.
What are you thankful for?
Let me know in the comments.
What are your thoughts?